High-power induction cookers are widely used in restaurants, hotels, factories, colleges, institutions, enterprises, trains, ships, and other commercial kitchens, especially those where open flames are restricted. After several years of use, induction cookers may develop some minor issues. In this article, PXKITCHEN from Guangdong will explain how to solve the problem when the induction cooker does not respond when turned on or displays error codes. Here are the methods:
No Response When Turned On: This situation generally occurs when the power supply system conversion circuit chip of the induction cooker is burnt out. This chip typically generates a 18V voltage, which is then converted to +5V voltage for the CPU to work properly. Without +5V, the CPU won't function, and consequently, the entire cooker won't work. Common chips used in induction cookers include viper12a, viper22a, thx203h, etc. To troubleshoot, test the peripheral components of the power supply conversion circuit to check if any small components are damaged, and replace them if necessary.
Displaying Error Codes: Understanding the meaning of error codes is crucial before attempting targeted repairs for this type of fault. There are many online resources available for induction cooker error codes, which can be utilized fully. Typically, this type of malfunction is caused by objects with higher resistance values. Each component should be measured individually, and any changes in values noted. Also, check the working transformer, 300v/5uf capacitor, thermistor, and the only potentiometer in the induction cooker. Once these areas are identified, this type of fault can usually be rectified. Some damages may also be caused by lm339, which can be replaced using a verified method.
These are the solutions for when a high-power induction cooker does not respond when turned on or displays error codes. We hope this information is helpful. For more technical knowledge about induction cookers, please visit the official website of PXKITCHEN Equipment in Guangdong.