The high-power induction cookers use IGBT transistors, with the internal input stage being field-effect transistors and the output stage being high-power bipolar transistors. In fact, there is a common transistor model for high-power induction cookers. Below is a brief introduction from Guangdong PXKITCHEN, a manufacturer of commercial induction cookers:
The appearance of the H20R1203, which is packaged in TO-247. The H20R1203 is a commonly used high-power IGBT transistor in induction cookers, with a voltage withstand value of 12000V, a current of 20A, a power of 420W, and a saturation voltage drop Vces of 1.48V. The pin arrangement of the H20R1203 is as follows: when facing the model, the pins are arranged from left to right as G, C, E.
The appearance of the FGA25N120, which is packaged in TO-3P. The FGA25N120 is also a commonly used high-power IGBT transistor in induction cookers, with a voltage withstand value of 12000V, a current of 25A, a power of 310W, and a saturation voltage drop Vces of 2.5V. The pin arrangement of this transistor is the same as that of the H20R1203.
Guangdong PXKITCHEN Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional kitchen equipment manufacturing enterprise integrating research, development, design, production, and sales. The high-power commercial induction cookers and energy-efficient induction cookers newly developed by the company have become the preferred choice for new installations and upgrades in the catering industry.